accueil accueil back to perenco menu close back to perenco gabon perenco began production operations in gabon in 1992 with the acquisition of developed fields offshore port gentil. twenty years later, annual average production reached 72 000 boepd normal 0 21 false false false fr x-none x-none defsemihidden="false" defqformat="false" defpriority="99" latentstylecount="371" unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 2"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 3"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 4"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 5"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 6"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 7"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 8"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 9"/ name="index 1"/ name="index 2"/ name="index 3"/ name="index 4"/ name="index 5"/ name="index 6"/ name="index 7"/ name="index 8"/ name="index 9"/ unhidewhenused="true" name="toc 1"/ 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name="list table 1 light accent 1"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 1"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 1"/ name="list table 1 light accent 2"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 2"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 2"/ name="list table 1 light accent 3"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 3"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 3"/ name="list table 1 light accent 4"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 4"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 4"/ name="list table 1 light accent 5"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 5"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 5"/ name="list table 1 light accent 6"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 6"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 6"/ and 50 million cubic feet of natural gas in 2015. port gentil mayumba operated production 72 000 bopd for 2015 “ to sustain the long-term development in gabon, perenco has also completed a number of major infrastructure projects. ” operations licenses are located offshore and onshore and perenco operates two offshore floating storage and offloading (fso) units to store and export crude oil. read more perenco began its production operations in gabon in 1992 with the acquisition of mature fields offshore port-gentil, and was producing 8,000 barrels oil per day (bopd). twenty-three years later, average annual operated output reached 72,000 bopd and 50 million cubic feet of natural gas in 2015. a continuous, and ongoing, work programme on mature fields made this growth possible, along with a balanced acquisition strategy and several exploration successes. today, perenco in gabon operates oil and gas licences located both offshore and onshore. in addition to the oil and gas portfolio, assets comprise two offshore floating storage and offloading (fso) vessels. in 2014 and 2015 perenco’s gross investment in gabon amounted to almost us$1 billion, mainly through drilling 40 wells, including deep-water exploration. to sustain the long-term development in gabon, perenco has also completed a number of major infrastructure projects. this includes 200 km of pipeline, the replacement of an fso vessel, new offshore production platforms, a treatment and gas compression unit, and a water treatment station. since 2007, perenco has been supplying natural gas to power plants in libreville and in port-gentil. the gas is produced onshore, treated to specification and delivered at pressure through a 450 km gas pipeline across the country. this major contribution to national power needs and industrial development will further evolve along with power demand growth and other potential gas users. perenco will continue to invest in order to match that growth trend. perenco in gabon has a robust exploration portfolio and a number of new wells could be drilled within the next few years. perenco's gabonese exploration portfolio is underpinned by high value opportunities and easy access to its extended infrastructure. its pipeline network and its two fsos offer a unique position to fast track development of any oil discovery into production, as was the case for two onshore discoveries in 2014. after more than 23 years of strong activity, in 2015 perenco moved to a new head office in port-gentil. this was a major achievement and highlights the company’s commitment to gabon, in addition to perenco’s significant levels of investment. normal 0 21 false false false fr x-none x-none defsemihidden="false" defqformat="false" defpriority="99" latentstylecount="371" unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 2"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 3"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 4"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 5"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 6"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 7"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 8"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="heading 9"/ name="index 1"/ name="index 2"/ name="index 3"/ name="index 4"/ name="index 5"/ 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name="table professional"/ name="table subtle 1"/ name="table subtle 2"/ name="table web 1"/ name="table web 2"/ name="table web 3"/ name="balloon text"/ name="table theme"/ name="list paragraph"/ name="intense quote"/ name="subtle emphasis"/ name="intense emphasis"/ name="subtle reference"/ name="intense reference"/ unhidewhenused="true" name="bibliography"/ unhidewhenused="true" qformat="true" name="toc heading"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 1"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 1"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 1"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 2"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 2"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 2"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 3"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 3"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 3"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 4"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 4"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 4"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 5"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 5"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 5"/ name="grid table 1 light accent 6"/ name="grid table 6 colorful accent 6"/ name="grid table 7 colorful accent 6"/ name="list table 1 light accent 1"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 1"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 1"/ name="list table 1 light accent 2"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 2"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 2"/ name="list table 1 light accent 3"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 3"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 3"/ name="list table 1 light accent 4"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 4"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 4"/ name="list table 1 light accent 5"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 5"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 5"/ name="list table 1 light accent 6"/ name="list table 6 colorful accent 6"/ name="list table 7 colorful accent 6"/ fso mayumba play corporate social responsibility in gabon perenco oil and gas and the national parks agency signed an agreement on 30th january, 2014, for a period of three years. read more corporate social responsibility in gabon rig to reef gas for libreville batanga village perenco oil and gas and the anpn (national parks agency of gabon) signed a memorandum of agreement between the two entities on 30th january, 2014, for a period of three years. this agreement is based on studies conducted by the anpn, the national geographic society, the waitt institute and the wildlife conservation society, which revealed the richness of the marine life surrounding oil rigs. it was shown that oil rigs provide a favourable environment for the development of artificial reef biodiversity, unspoiled by fishing due to the presence of a safety zone around offshore platforms. as a result of these findings, the agreement partners will conduct studies on the protection of these ecosystems in the context of oil production and at the moment of the decommissioning of the platforms. this practice is known as “rig to reef”. the moa provides anpn with the financial means necessary to carry out its mission of research and protection. mayumba national park in southern gabon, near which perenco operates, notably includes populations of cetaceans and sea turtles that will be the focus of specific studies. since december 18, 2007, perenco has supplied gas to the power plants of libreville and port-gentil. this successful partnership is the result of a project enabling perenco to provide up to 680,000m3 of gas per day (450,000m3 to libreville-owendo and 230,000m3 to port-gentil). project on november 25, 2005, perenco agreed with the société d'energie et d'eau du gabon (seeg) to supply gas to the power plants of libreville-owendo and port-gentil. this agreement makes it possible to replace fuel oil - used until now for electricity production with gas originating in the ganga and harelde fields, which are operated by perenco gabon. this alternative energy source considerably reduces carbon emissions and other drawbacks associated with fuel oil. completion for this purpose, a network of gas pipelines was installed from ganga field (near the largerabi-kounga field) all the way to port-gentil and libreville. an intermediate processing centre was built in batanga (close to omboué, in ogooué-maritime province). the 400km flow-line transporting gas to libreville and port-gentil, runs mainly underwater. it does not cross fishing zones, maritime corridors or anchorage zones. it skirts the coasts at minimal distance between batanga and port-gentil. between the tip of cape lopez in port-gentil and libreville, it crosses pongara peninsula, gabon estuary and the egoumbi river, before finally reaching owendo in the enclosure of the seeg power station. this infrastructure establishes the foundations of a new development through the promotion of gas - another natural resource the country possesses. in both libreville and port-gentil, new players can now access a clean energy source that can be exploited with full respect of the environment. electrification of batanga village "people affected by our production activities obtain real benefits." isolated in the wet forest region of the middle-ogooué, 160 km south east of the capital libreville, this gabonese village borders the batanga onshore oil field. in 2008 perenco provided the village of batanga with a health centre and laid buried cables to provide 80 homes with electricity from the nearby oilfield power generators. this is a good example of how the people affected by our production activities obtain real benefits, and how we help to cement a relationship with the local authorities. contact bp 780 tel: +241 01 550 641 fax: +241 01 550 647 find out more information about our operations in africa drc cameroon congo back to perenco about perenco perenco is a leading independent oil & gas company operating in 13 countries across the globe, ranging from northern europe to africa and from latin america to southeast asia. perenco is operating both onshore and offshore. perenco's success relies on a team of dedicated engineers and technicians : read their testimonials on our careers website. sitemap | legal | credits
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